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When we travel to another country or any places, especially for backpackers, of course we want to learn their culture and habits, and also to blend in like a local so you can get the feeling. Hence, here I give you some tips on how to blend in like Singaporean.


Public Transport Hacks

The quickest and cheapest way of getting around Singapore is definitely via public transport. I suggest you to use NETS FlashPay or EZ Link card. With this card, you will escape the hassle of buying single trip tickets every time you take the MRT or bus. Here are some tips to get around like local:

  •  Head to the first or last cabins and you are more likely to grab a seat.
  • Line up behind the yellow lines and arrows before boarding the train to avoid death stares.
  • Avoid the yellow seats on buses and the extreme seats on each row of the MRT. These are reserved for people in need.
  • Remember to tap out on buses before you alight to avoid being charged the maximum fare.

People line up behind the yellow lines and arrows before boarding the train

Rules of the Street

When you are standing on an escalator, be sure to keep to left steps. You might get a few disgruntled stares for hogging up the lane if you stand on the right. Singapore is a country notorious for giving out fines, so here is how you can avoid them:

  • Chewing gum is illegal in Singapore and can result in hefty fines.
  • You can find dustbins every few hundred meters, so be sure to hang on to your trash until then, because littering can cost you at least SGD 300.
  • Before you light up a cigarette, be sure to check for no smoking signs. Smoking is not allowed in most indoor or covered locations in Singapore. If you smoking at the “No smoking” sign, you will get fine SGD 1000.
  • If you caught leaving without flushing the toilet, you can also be fined approximately SGD 150.

Some fine signs in Singapore

Hawker Dining Etiquette

You do not have to head to a fancy restaurant for good food in Singapore. You can find cheap, delicious, and even Michelin recommended food in hawker centers!

  • Use a tissue pocket to reserve your seat at a hawker centre (umbrella and name cards work too).
  • Do not sit at a seat with tissue packet or risk incurring the wrath of angry diners.
  • If there is a long queue at the stall, it probably has good food. Join the queue, I promise it will not disappoint.


One of the most defining characteristics of Singaporeans is being “kiasu”. For the uninitiated, being kiasu directly translates into “being afraid of losing out”. Pre-book your direct-entry tickets and you will not have to worry about wasting time waiting in line or the availability of tickets.


Go Cashless!

Being cashless is not a must, but it will make you easier to purchase anything at convenient stores, taxi rides, buses, and MRT. And you can do it with only one card using NETS FlashPay card! You can get this card from KLOOK App. KLOOK also offers tons of Singapore attractions and activities that you can book on-the-go. Simply flash your mobile e-voucher for entry.

I hope this article useful for you and thanks for spending your time to read my blog! 😃


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